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The SCHWING Group is the world's No. 1 system house in all matters concerning concrete - from batching and mixing to transport, placing of the fresh concrete through to recycling of residual concrete.

Stetter's concrete mixing plants represent the first link of a chain. Stetter truck mixers take the concrete to the site. SCHWING concrete pumps make concrete alive creating residential properties, bridges, tunnels, football stadiums or skyscrapers. The recycling of residual concrete guarantees a perfect use of concrete and environmental protection.

The SCHWING Group is concrete industry's worldwide No.1 address for efficient engineering, reliable service and comprehensive know-how.

Dynamic SCHWING GmbH Heerstraße 9-27 - D-44653 Herne Tel : 02325-987-0 - Fax : 02325-72922 - [email protected]