Pump technology
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Basically there are two main types of concrete placing boom.

One type is for truck mounting, the other type is for erection as a "separate boom". Irrespective of the application, the reliability and efficiency of a boom depends on many factors. On the one hand, the load moment, the deadweight and the necessary support width must be as low as possible.

On the other, the structure must have long-term strength and durability, and must have robust, easily serviced knuckle joints.

SCHWING has been designing and building placing booms for over 35 years now and that is the best evidence there is for quality and robustness.

Roll fold, "Z"-fold, roll-"Z" or overhead roll fold?

The question of boom geometry is almost a philosophy in itself. But the intended application practically dictates the solution by itself especially considering the requirements for a compact and sturdy construction, at the same time with low overall dimensions and short set-up times.

Dynamic SCHWING GmbH Heerstraße 9-27 - D-44653 Herne Tel : 02325-987-0 - Fax : 02325-72922 - [email protected]